Girlicity News

Work In Your PJs! TM

Diamond Jewelry Retailer Needs Agents!

08 June

Start with Girlicity today!!  You could be taking inbound customer service calls for a major diamond jewelry retailer.  Certification begins August 1, 2022.  Set your own hours, take time off when you want to, be your own boss! Join Today: Contact Us: Click Here to Contact Us TOLL FREE:  844-754-2489

Many Cruise Clients Need Agents!

23 May

Join Girlicity today and you could be taking incoming calls for a major cruise line.  There are several to choose from.  We are here to help you through the process!  Don’t delay, these opportunities will fill quickly! Join Us Today: Contact Us: Click Here to Contact Us TOLL FREE: 844-754-2489

Girlicity Premier Partner Voucher Available!

09 May

Get started working from home with Girlicity today!  We have a voucher to assist with the cost of certification!  You choose the client, you set your own hours, you are your own boss!!!  Now is the time to get started.  Our voucher offer is for a very limited time.  Do not delay, start today! Join

Military Appreciation Month!

04 May

Military members can work from home with Girlicity!  Get started working from home taking inbound customer service calls!  Even if you move around the United States, you can take this work with you!  (States excluded are: California, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon and Wisconsin) Are you a military member, active duty, spouse, veteran or

Girlicity Premier Partner Voucher Available!

15 April

Join Girlicity today and take advantage of our voucher offer!  Our voucher will help reduce the cost of certification, making most of the clients FREE!!!!  You choose the client!  Many options including home improvement retailer, healthcare client, cruise clients and more!  Limited time offer, don’t delay! Join Us Today: Contact Us: Click Here to Contact Us

Girlicity Milestone Moment!

01 April

Girlicity is the #1 top performing company and is the largest business partnered with Arise Virtual Solutions!  We have worked hard to build our company to reach over 11,000 members!  We have partnered with Arise since 2013 and have the best team in place to help you through the process! We have the best agents and

Ready to get started?Click here to contact our team!