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Attention Military Families: FREE CSP101 plus 50% off certification course! Work from home!

20 June
American Flag Military Discounts

Are you a military spouse, veteran, Veteran Spouse or active member of US Armed Forces? If so, you are eligible to receive CSP101 absolutely FREE ($99 value) and 50% off your first client certification course! This is a great opportunity for someone that needs a steady job and can do it from anywhere! Military families

Major Roadside Assistance company in need of reps to work from home!

05 June

Provide white glove service assistance in a 24 hour a day, seven-day/week call-taking environment across all 50 states for some of the most select brands of automotive manufacturers which include: Ford, Bentley, Toyota, Lexus, and Rolls Royce, to name a few. Do YOU have what it takes? Can YOU demonstrate the ability to service independently

Ready to get started?Click here to contact our team!