Welcome to February!
February: The Shortest and Most Unique Month
February may be the shortest month of the year, but it’s packed with interesting history and quirks! Here are three fun facts about this special month:
1️⃣ It’s the Only Month That Can Be Missing a Day
February usually has 28 days, but every four years, we add an extra day—February 29—to keep our calendar aligned with Earth’s orbit. This special year is called a leap year, and 2024 is one of them!
2️⃣ It Was Once the Last Month of the Year
In ancient Rome, the calendar originally ended in February. It wasn’t until 450 BCE that January and February were moved to the beginning, making February the second month we know today.
3️⃣ It’s Home to Unique Holidays
Beyond Valentine’s Day, February celebrates fun events like Groundhog Day (Feb 2), National Pizza Day (Feb 9), and Random Acts of Kindness Day (Feb 17).
Even though it’s the shortest month, February proves that great things come in small packages!
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