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Welcome Spring! Embracing the First Day of Spring 2025

20 March

As winter bids us farewell and the days grow warmer, Thursday, March 20, 2025, marks the arrival of the first day of spring! This day, also known as the spring equinox, is when the sun shines directly over the equator, giving us nearly equal hours of daylight and darkness.

Equal Day and Night:
The spring equinox marks the moment when day and night are nearly equal in length. This happens because the sun is positioned directly above the equator, creating almost 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness.

Egg Balancing Tradition:
A popular myth suggests that you can balance an egg on its end during the spring equinox due to gravitational shifts. While it’s fun to try, the truth is you can actually balance an egg any day of the year with a little patience!

Birds Know It’s Spring!
Many bird species use the longer daylight hours of spring as a cue to begin their migration and mating season. The increase in sunlight triggers hormonal changes, prompting birds to sing more and build nests. So, if you’re hearing more chirping, it’s nature’s way of saying spring has arrived!

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