Save Money
12 December
Have you thought about what you could save if you start working from home? Join Girlicity and let us show you many ways to start saving!
- Work in your PJs, or your jeans, or whatever you choose! No more “work” clothes to purchase.
- Save money on lunches. You say you’ll make your lunch to take to work, but you are running late and forget. There is temptation from co-workers to eat out. Working from home allows you to walk to your kitchen to grab a bite. This gives you more control over your food budget.
- Save money on vehicle costs. No commuting means less gas money, and wear and tear on your vehicle.
- Save money on child care. While working from home you may still need to find child care; it won’t be as often or as costly. You may only need child care 2-3 days a week, or even a few hours a day!
If you are ready to learn how working from home with Girlicity can save you money, join us today!
Click Here to Contact Us or TOLL FREE: 1-8-GIRL-I-CITY (844-754-2489)