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Happy Thanksgiving from Girlicity!

27 November

1. The First Thanksgiving Was a Three-Day Feast

  • The 1621 celebration between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag tribe lasted three days. It included not just eating but also games, dancing, and other festivities. The menu likely featured venison, seafood, and corn, not the turkey and pie we enjoy today!

2. The Origin of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

  • The iconic Macy’s Parade began in 1924 and initially featured live animals from the Central Park Zoo, like lions and camels! The giant balloons we associate with it today didn’t appear until 1927.

3.  TV Dinners Were Invented Because of Thanksgiving

  • In 1953, Swanson had 260 tons of leftover turkey after Thanksgiving. To solve the problem, they packaged the surplus with sides into aluminum trays, creating the first-ever TV dinners. This accidental innovation changed the way Americans eat!

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