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Happy 4th of July!

04 July

Have you heard these fun facts about the 4th of July?

  1. Not the Original Independence Day: Although July 4, 1776, is celebrated as Independence Day in the United States, the actual vote for independence took place on July 2, 1776. John Adams even thought July 2 would be the day future generations celebrated, but the final wording of the Declaration of Independence wasn’t approved until July 4.
  2. An Early Birthday Celebration: America’s second and third presidents, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, both died on July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. Remarkably, both men were instrumental in the American Revolution and the founding of the United States. Another Founding Father, James Monroe, the fifth president, also died on July 4, but in 1831.
  3. A Day of Hot Dogs: The Fourth of July is synonymous with barbecues and hot dogs. According to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council, Americans consume about 150 million hot dogs on July 4th. This is enough to stretch from Washington D.C. to Los Angeles more than five times!
  4. Fireworks Galore: Fireworks have been a part of Independence Day celebrations since the very first anniversary in 1777. Today, Americans spend over $1 billion on fireworks for the holiday. The largest fireworks display in the U.S. is the Macy’s 4th of July Fireworks in New York City, which uses over 75,000 shells!
  5. The Liberty Bell’s Connection: The Liberty Bell in Philadelphia is one of the most iconic symbols of American independence. However, the bell hasn’t been rung since 1846 due to concerns about cracking. Instead, every Fourth of July, it’s gently tapped 13 times to symbolize the original 13 colonies. This tradition is accompanied by a mass bell-ringing ceremony nationwide.

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