Earn a $350 Incentive plus up to $14hr just for taking calls for tax season from home!
A major tax company is offering a HUGE incentive to fill the rest of the positions needed for tax season!
Sign up with them and earn $200 by certifying, servicing required hours per the SOW including peak days, and attend one PES session per week beginning January 1st (Incentive paid on 5/15/2014). Plus, earn an additional $150 by completing 100% of leading edge modules by required date and meeting SOW hours requirements (Incentive paid on 5/15/2014)
Because this is a seasonal client, you can use the incentive towards your next client, a new computer, a second monitor or whatever you want to spend it on! It will be direct deposited to your account.
There are 2 certification courses available to sign up for. The first one starts February 6th and ends March 7th with classes running 4 hours a day, 5 days a week. The second certification course starts February 6th and ends February 26th with classes running 6 hours a day, 5 days a week.