Day in the Life
You ever wonder what it was like working at home? Here is a breakdown from a mom of 4. We will call her Bam.
5:30 6:30 – Wake up Kids, Breakfast
6:45 – Wait for Bus
7am – Sit with coffee and catch up on Social Media, start laundry
7:45 – log into client applications to start work at 8
8-11am – Working on phones
11:30 – 1 Lunch at youngest son school
1:30- 3 Working on phones
3-8pm Getting kids off bus, Homework, and Dinner
8:30 – 10:30 able to pick up 2 more hours (dropped hours from others)
11pm Bam in Bed
This is just an example of how flexible working at home with Girlicity on the Arise platform can be. You are in full control of your hours once you start taking live calls.
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