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Welcome October!

01 October

October is a month that captures the beauty of autumn in full swing. As temperatures drop, the world around us transforms into a canvas of warm reds, oranges, and yellows. It’s a time for cozy sweaters, crisp air, and the crunch of fallen leaves beneath your feet.

Fun facts about October:

  1. Origin of the Name: October gets its name from the Latin word “octo,” meaning eight. It was originally the eighth month of the Roman calendar before January and February were added.
  2. National Pizza Month: In the U.S., October is celebrated as National Pizza Month! It’s the perfect time to enjoy different types of pizza, especially as the weather cools down.
  3. Peak of Autumn: October marks the peak of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, with colorful foliage, crisp weather, and many fall festivals like Oktoberfest and Halloween taking place during this month.

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