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Welcome to Fall!

20 September

Here are three fun facts about the first day of fall, September 22, 2024:

1. The Autumn Equinox

On the first day of fall, also known as the autumn equinox, day and night are almost exactly equal in length. This happens because the sun is directly above the equator, giving us roughly 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of nighttime. The word “equinox” itself comes from the Latin words “aequus,” meaning equal, and “nox,” meaning night.

2. The Tilt of the Earth

The start of fall is a result of Earth’s tilt—23.5 degrees, to be precise! As the planet orbits the sun, different hemispheres get more sunlight. Fall begins when the Northern Hemisphere starts tilting away from the sun, causing shorter days and cooler temperatures.

3. It’s the Start of “Leaf Peeping” Season

Fall is famous for its vibrant foliage, and many people love to take scenic trips to witness the changing leaves. This popular activity is known as “leaf peeping.” Regions like New England, parts of Canada, and the Great Smoky Mountains in the U.S. are particularly famous for their brilliant fall colors.

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