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How do I move from being a Sole Proprietor to Girlicity?

We know that the Arise platform can be confusing. That is why we are here, to guide you and help you to be successful working from home. We also understand that you have chosen to be a Sole Proprietor and not realized how complicated it really is and you want to receive the top rated support that we can offer you. We are here to help you and can certainly guide you on how to change to Girlicity.

Please reach out to Arise support via AVA on the bottom right of the Arise portal and they will guide you on the steps you need to take to switch. Please let us know once you have spoken to them.

*** Do not end MSA without being on with a chat agent so that they can assist with any issues.

Once this is complete, you will move to the final step, Join Girlicity, Sign up under our Business IB ID #57773:

Sign up under our Business IB ID #57773. You can also choose us by viewing us on the list of Premier Partner call center companies: 

Once you have been accepted into the Girlicity team, you will need to log in at and view and sign the documents:

We will then finalize your request to join our team: 

We look forward to having you on our team! If you need anything, please reach out to us. Call us at 1-844-754-2489.

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1-8-GIRL-I-CITY (1-844-754-2489) Register for a support account.

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